Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ruth and Bunny Go to the Mall of America

We're Here!

The residents sure are friendly here
Ruth pets a shark at the Mall of America
Whose idea was this?  Which one of us is the Queen of the Mall?  I'll let you guess.  We planned to stop close to Minneapolis today anyway, so we ended our driving day at Bloomington, Minnesota, home of the Mall of America.  At the time it was built, it was the largest mall in North America, but recently our Canadian neighbor surpassed it with their West Edmonton Mall.  Still, it was the first mall in the world with an amusement park so this achievement at least deserves a place in retail history.  The Mall of America sits in the middle of a gigantic parking lot, but we discovered we can walk there from our hotel, the Marriott Courtyard.   What can I say?  It’s a mall, with the same stores you find in any other mall in the country.  But it’s just HUGE with four times more of everything.  The people watching is great.   A carnival atmosphere pervades the place, as if its sheer scale insists that it can't be taken seriously, so LIGHTEN UP!  It’s not a bad place to get your tacky on and revel in it for a few hours.

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